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Reset Password on Customer Portal via Mobile Verification

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Step 1: To reset your customer portal password, click on Forgot Password.

Step 2: Enter your Email Address and click on Reset Password via Mobile.

Step 3 : You shall receive an OTP (One-Time-Password) mobile notification on your phone.

If you’re not getting the text message as below, chances are, you have registered your account with a different phone number, wrong formatting without country code or your phone number is currently out of service coverage.

Kindly email to to amend your phone number record

You may attempt again after 5 minutes.

Step 4 : Insert your email, new password, confirm password and the verification code received from the OTP text message. Continue to click Change Password.

Note on how to set a secure password:

  • Create a password with 8 characters or longer with upper, lowercase and symbols
  • Don’t use a common phrase
  • Use a random password generator (best practice)

Step 5 : Your password has already changed and you may proceed to login portal with your new password.