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How to update Customer Profile in Portal

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Updating your customer profile in the IPServerOne portal ensures that your personal and business information is current, enhancing the support and services you receive. This guide provides a comprehensive walkthrough for updating your profile efficiently.


  • Active IPServerOne account

1. To update account profile on IPServerOne portal, let’s start off by logging in to

2. On the top right, click on the Username and drop-down to click My Account.

3. Once you are landed on My Account page, click on the pencil icon to start editing Personal Details; Contact Information and Business Details.

4. Click on the tick icon to save editing. Please make sure all information is completed to avoid future errors while purchasing.

5. Confirm and verify the edited information before closing off.

NOTE: Primary Email cannot be edited. To change your primary email for the account, please contact our Customer Support at IP ServerOne Solutions (


Keeping your customer profile updated is crucial for receiving personalized support and services. Follow the steps outlined above to ensure your profile reflects your current information.

For additional assistance or if you encounter any issues, please contact our support team at