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How to Estimate NovaCloud Costs Using the Cloud Platform Pricing Calculator

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Our NovaCloud calculator now offers cost estimates in MYR, SGD, USD, and points value, making it easier for you to plan your expenses. With this tool, you can accurately calculate NovaCloud charges based on your specific requirements. Points charged will vary depending on the operating system, instance type, instance size, and storage capacity chosen.

Simply follow these steps to estimate your NovaCloud costs on both an hourly and monthly basis:


Step 1: Log in to Customer Portal

Step 2: On the top of the Dashboard, navigate to New Order and click on the NovaCloud Credit Top-Up tab.


Step 3: Go to the Cloud Platform Pricing Calculator and click on it.


Step 4: Click Configure to select the CPU type, memory size, and operating system that suit your needs.


Step 5: Enter the required specifications and click Add to List.


Step 6: The next page will display a points summary and cost breakdown based on your chosen specifications.

If you need a customized Cloud server, you can click Talk to Sales, and one of our sales representatives will contact you to discuss your specific requirements.

Note: The NovaCloud calculator provides an estimate for Cloud server costs without a control panel and does not include any taxes yet.