FAQ: Why do i need SSL?

Why do i need SSL?   Having an SSL certificate installed on your site gives customers confidence in knowing that their data such as credit card and personal information is secure from any tempering or abuse. Besides, it also improves your website ranking and increases more conversions.

What is SSL?

What is SSL?   SSL is a protocol of standard security which builds an encrypted link between a web browser and a server. It helps safeguard all data that goes through the browser and the server. SSL also gives your website and your visitors’ browser a secure environment that is free from data tempering, eavesdropping,

FAQ: What is RTO and RPO?

What is RTO and RPO?   RTO (Recovery Time Objective) refers to the desired time frame for restoring business operations after a disruption, while RPO (Recovery Point Objective) defines the acceptable amount of data loss during recovery. RTO focuses on downtime, aiming to minimize it, while RPO determines the point in time to which data

FAQ: Are Cloud Backups safe?

Are Cloud Backups safe?   Cloud Backup is safe because the servers are usually located in secure warehouses that only authorized personnel have access to, and the files stored on the servers are encrypted, making it more difficult for cybercriminals to access them. Here are some additional security measures that cloud providers often use to

FAQ: What are the benefits of Backup as a Service (BaaS)?

What are the benefits of Backup as a Service (BaaS)?   Seamlessly Convenient: Automatically upload delta change in your workload to the cloud repository via a dedicated secure connection. Reliable Data Protection: BaaS safeguarding your critical files and data against hardware failures, accidental deletions, malware attacks, or natural disasters. Backups are stored securely in remote