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Setup New Email Account On Outlook 2019

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In this knowledge base, you will learn how to setup a new email account on Outlook 2019.

1. Open Outlook 2019, click on the “File” tab, then, on this page, click on the “Add Account” as below.

2. On this page, input your email address, and drop down the “Advanced options”, then, select “Let me setup my account manually”. After that, click the connect button to the next page.

3. On this page, you may select either Configure with POP or IMAP for your email account. For my example below, I would like to configure using IMAP.

4. After you select to configure with IMAP, On this page, you should input your email account password and click the connect button.

5. After that, the email account should be added successfully.

6. Next, you need to edit the port and SSL settings. First, Click on File > Account Settings > Server Settings…

7. In the Server Settings, there is the incoming mail and outgoing mail tab.

8. Click the incoming mail, then, input your username (Email Account), password, server hostname, and port as below. Also, choose SSL/TLS for the encryption method.

NOTE: For the server name, you should change it to your domain name. Eg.


For POP Account Settings

Incoming mail server POP port: 995
Outgoing mail server (SMTP) port: 465

For IMAP Account Settings

Incoming mail server IMAP port: 993
Outgoing mail server (SMTP) port: 465


9. For the Outgoing mail, input your Server hostname and also the port as below. Also, choose SSL/TLS for the encryption method. Then, click the next button to complete the settings.

NOTE: Please tick the My outgoing (SMTP) server requires authentication and choose the Use same settings as my incoming mail server.

10. Finally, the email account is now successfully configured and it should show the account successfully updated as below.

The email account is added successfully and you may start to send/receive the email in your Outlook 2019.