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How to setup Mailing Lists in cPanel

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In this guide, we’ll walk through the steps to set up a mailing list in cPanel using the Mailman application. This will allow you to create a ‘discussion list’, a more interactive form of mailing list where members can communicate with each other.


  • Access to cPanel.
  • Basic understanding of email and mailing list concepts.


1. Login to cPanel:

a. Click on List Accounts

b. Login to your user Account

2. Navigate to Mailing Lists:

In the ‘Email’ section, click on the Mailing Lists link or icon.

3. Create a New Mailing List:

a. Fill in the Mailing List details:

List Name: Enter a name for your mailing list. This should be an email-friendly username without spaces, using letters, numbers, underscores, periods, or dashes.

Domain: Choose the domain which you want to create mailing list

Password: Input your password

Access Type: Choose between ‘Public’ (anyone can join) or ‘Private’ (admin approval required for new members).

b. Add the Mailing List:

Click the ‘Add’ button to create your mailing list. You’ll receive a confirmation message once the list is successfully created.

4. Using the Mailing List:

a. New members can join the public list by sending an email to [listname]
b. To post a message to the list, members should send an email to [listname]
c. Special email addresses include [listname] for unsubscribing and [listname] to reach the list owner/moderators.

5. Manage Your Mailing List:


a. Change the list type by clicking Public or Private in the Current Lists section.
b. Use Delete to remove the list and Change Password to update the list’s password.
c. Add or remove list administrators using the Delegation link.
d. For advanced configurations, visit the Mailman list management page by clicking Manage.


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