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How to uninstall Magento via DirectAdmin?

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This guide provides detailed steps on how to safely uninstall Magento from your hosting environment using DirectAdmin. Uninstalling Magento is a straightforward process but requires careful execution to ensure that all components are properly removed.


  • Access to DirectAdmin control panel.
  • Backup of your Magento files and database for safety.
  • Installatron installed in the server

Step1: Log in to your DirectAdmin control panel with your [username] and [password].

Step 2: Click [Installatron Applications Installer] button.

Step 3: Click the [Uninstall] button at the top right corner to remove Magento.

Step 4: Once clicked [Uninstall], all data files will appears.  Scroll down and click [Uninstall] again at the bottom right hand corner.

Step 5: Uninstall process will only takes seconds to complete and back to [installatron] page.


Following these steps will ensure that Magento is completely uninstalled from your DirectAdmin. This process helps maintain the cleanliness and efficiency of your server environment.

For additional assistance or if you encounter any issues, please contact our support team at