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How to install SSL Certificates in cPanel

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SSL certificates are crucial for ensuring the security and credibility of your website. If you’ve received an SSL invitation link and a PIN code, you’re already on the right track. This guide will walk you through each step of the SSL certificate installation process in cPanel, from generating the necessary keys to verifying the installation. Let’s enhance your website’s security together!


Step-by-step Guide

Before we get started, here’s what you’ll need to make sure the installation goes smoothly:

  1. Invitation Link and PIN: You should have received an email with an invitation link and a PIN. Keep this information handy as we’ll need it during the process.
  2. CSR and Key: You’ll need a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) and a Key. Don’t worry if this sounds technical – you can generate these yourself in step 2.
  3. PEM: After your verification is completed in step 3, you’ll receive a PEM file.

Step 1: Access cPanel

1. Log in to your cPanel account using your username and password.

enter username and password and click Log in.

cPanel Homepage

2. Once logged in, scroll down and click on Security and select SSL/TLS.

select SSL/TLS

Step 2: Generating Key and CSR

1. In the SSL/TLS Manager select Private Keys (Key).

2. choose your Key Type (Default: RSA, 2,048-bit) and proceed to Generate.

3. return to SSL/TLS manager and select Certificate Signing Request (CSR).

Choose the Key Type with the description that has been created previously.

Fill in domain name:

  • Single domain:
  • Sub domain:
  • Wildcard Domain: *

Fill in necessary details such as City, State, Country, Company, Company Division (e.g. IT) & Email. Passphrase can be left empty and proceed to Generate.

4. Once created, the system will generate a CSR code for you. copy the entire contents of the CSR code in your PC (e.g. Text Editor/Notepad), including the —–BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST—– and —–END CERTIFICATE REQUEST—– lines.

Step 3: Open the GlobalSign Certificates Link that you purchased and key in the PIN

1. open the SSL invitation link and key in the PIN Number.

2. Fill in the form and proceed to Continue.


3. Choose the Domain Verification you prefer. You can check the KB below as guide:


4. Return to GlobalSign and scroll to Certificate (PEM Format) and copy from —BEGIN CERTIFICATE— and —END CERTIFICATE— lines.

Step 4: Install Certificate

1. Return to SSL/TLS Manager in cPanel and select Certificates(CRT).

3. once you have complete the verification and receive the PEM file in step 3, paste the code in the text box. Proceed to Save Certificate.

4. Return to SSL/TLS Manager and select Install and Manage SSL for your site.

5. Click on Browse Certificates and select the certificate that was previously installed and proceed to Use Certificate.

6. The certificate will auto-fill the empty text box, proceed to click on Install Certificate.

7. Congratulations! You’ve successfully installed an SSL certificate on your website using cPanel. Your website is now secured with encryption, and visitors can browse your site with confidence.

Step 7: Verify Installation

1. Verify the SSL installation, you can visit SSL Checker or try accessing your website using “https://” in the URL. Most browsers will show a padlock icon in the address bar if the SSL certificate is installed correctly.




Congratulations! You have successfully installed an SSL certificate on your website using cPanel. This installation not only secures your website with encryption but also boosts the trust and confidence of your visitors. Regularly check your SSL certificate’s status and keep it updated to maintain the security and integrity of your website.