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How to check Apache Status in WHM (cPanel)

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Apache HTTP Server plays a crucial role in web hosting environments, especially in managing and serving websites. For web administrators using WHM (WebHost Manager) with cPanel, monitoring Apache’s status is essential for ensuring optimal performance and troubleshooting issues. This guide outlines the steps to check Apache’s status directly from WHM.


  • Access to WHM with root-level privileges.
  • Basic understanding of web server management.

1. Login into WHM (cPanel) as root.

2. Click and open Apache Status.

3. You can check your Apache Status now.


Monitoring Apache’s status through WHM is a straightforward process that offers valuable insights into your web server’s health and activity. By regularly checking this status, you can identify potential issues early, understand your server’s load and performance, and make informed decisions about resource management and troubleshooting.

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