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Understanding the Server-Status Page

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The server-status page is a powerful tool for monitoring real-time server performance. This article breaks down the key components and metrics presented on the server-status page.

You can check this KB for enabling Server-Status and managing login details of Server-Status in DirectAdmin by using CLI:

Apache Server Status Breakdown

  • Server Version: Shows the Apache server version and the version of OpenSSL it’s compiled with.
  • Server MPM: Displays the Multi-Processing Module (MPM) used, which determines how client requests are handled.
  • Current Time: The current time on the server.
  • Restart Time: The last time the server was started or restarted.
  • Parent Server Config. Generation: Number of times the server configuration has been reloaded.
  • Server Uptime: How long the server has been running since the last restart.
  • Server Load: The load average of the server, representing the workload the server is under.
  • Total Accesses and Traffic: The total number of accesses (requests) to the server and the total data transferred.
  • CPU Usage: The CPU time used by the server.
  • Requests per Second, Bytes per Request, and Bytes per Second: Metrics to gauge the traffic intensity and throughput.

Worker Status Table

  • Slot: The worker slot number.
  • PID: Process ID of the worker.
  • Stopping: Whether the worker is in the process of stopping.
  • Connections, Threads, Async connections: Various counters for the number of connections and threads, including those that are idle, writing, in keep-alive, or closing.

Breakdown of Request Handling Metrics

  • Srv: The child server number corresponding to the request being processed.
  • PID: The process ID of the worker serving the request.
  • Acc: Three values related to the connections that a particular worker process has handled. They are usually separated by forward slashes (/). Here’s what each part stands for:
    • Number of Accesses: This is the first number and it shows the total count of accesses or requests that the worker process has served since it started.
    • Mode of Operation: The second number indicates the mode of operation of the worker (e.g., reading, writing). In some configurations, however, this might not be represented as a number but as a letter code.
    • Bytes Served: The third number represents the total number of bytes that have been served by this child worker.
  • M: The mode of operation of the worker: Waiting for Connection, Starting up, Reading Request, Sending Reply, Keepalive (read), DNS Lookup, Closing connection, Logging, Gracefully finishing, Idle cleanup of worker,
  • Open slot with no current process.
  • CPU: The CPU time consumed by this request.
  • SS: Seconds since the beginning of the most recent request.
  • Req: Milliseconds required to process the most recent request.
  • Dur: The duration in microseconds of the request.
  • Conn: The connection count for this child server.
  • Child: The child process number.
  • Slot: The slot number in the scoreboard.
  • Client: The IP address of the client making the request.
  • Protocol: The protocol used (HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, etc.).
  • VHost: The virtual host that was requested.
  • Request: The specific request made by the client.

Understanding Request Details

The details provided in this table are instrumental in managing the web server’s performance. For example:

  • High CPU Usage: May indicate a resource-intensive script or application.
  • Long Request Duration: Could suggest that a script is slow to execute or is waiting on external resources.
  • Repeated Specific Requests: Could potentially be a sign of an automated attack or a misconfigured script.


The server-status page is an essential tool for monitoring and optimizing server performance in DirectAdmin. Understanding its metrics allows for better management and troubleshooting.

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