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How to change skin in DirectAdmin

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Welcome to our guide on changing your DirectAdmin skin to the Evolution skin. The skin of your DirectAdmin control panel determines its visual appearance and layout. If you’re looking for a fresh and modern interface, the Evolution skin is an excellent choice!

You’ll discover how to give your control panel a sleek and user-friendly look, making your administrative tasks more enjoyable. Let’s get started and transform the way you interact with DirectAdmin!



Before proceeding, ensure you have access to your DirectAdmin account with Reseller Level privileges. This access level is necessary to make changes to the control panel’s skin.


Steps to Change Your DirectAdmin Skin to Evolution:

Step 1: Login to DirectAdmin and access as Reseller Level.

Step 2: In Reseller Tools section, select Skin Manager.

Step 3: if you are changing from enhanced to evolution, check the box in the same row and you can choose to:

1. “Apply to Me”– the skin will be applied only to your account.

2. “Apply to All Users” – the skin will be applied to all of your user’ accounts.

Additionally, you can also upload a new skin or edit/delete an existing skin in the DirectAdmin Skin Manager.

Click on the pen icon on a skin’s row to edit it. The skin layout, logo, menus, colors, widgets, default date & time formats, and many other things are all customizable.

That’s it!



Upgrading to the Evolution skin in DirectAdmin is a straightforward process that significantly improves the visual appeal and functionality of your control panel. By following these steps, you can efficiently make the switch and enjoy a more modern and intuitive interface. Remember, customization options are available to further tailor the skin to your preferences. Happy administering!