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Availability zone – physical separation of computing resources within the same region. (eg: different hosts)

CIDR – a compact representation of an IP address and its associated routing prefix (subnet mask). (eg:

CPU optimized – specification for instances that require high computational power. (eg: Web server, Database server)

Credit – the number of funds available on your account that can be used to launch Cloud instances. Note: Charges are deducted from your credit hourly.

Egress – outgoing traffic.

Flavor – the number of computing resources allocated to your instances (eg: hardware specification)

General optimized – specification for instances that are capable to sustain your common workloads. (eg: VPN, Proxy server)

Image – a template of the operating system which your instance will be running on. Note: The image of your selection will be provisioned to the volume as your boot disk.

Ingress – incoming traffic.

IP address – a numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network for communication. (eg:

Key-pair – a pair of the public and the private key that is used to authenticate your access to the instance.

Port – an endpoint of communication that can be represented by a standard set of numbers. (eg: ssh – 22, RDP – 3389, HTTP – 80, etc.)

Protocol – the classifications of communication rules. (eg: TCP, UDP, ICMP, etc.)

RAM optimized – specification for instances that handle high memory consumption. (eg: Email server)

Region – physical separation of all computing resources across multiple geographical locations. (eg: different data centers)

Security group – an external firewall that regulates (allow/block) the traffic (ingress/egress) to and fro your instances. Note: You can create multiple security groups and associate them in multiple instances.

Security group rules – definition of the behavior of a security group. Note: You can define and add multiple rules to a security group.

Subnet mask – a logical subdivision of an IP network. (eg:, /24)

Volume – the storage capacity that is attached to your instance. Note: You can attach multiple volumes to an instance.