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Create new users in DirectAdmin as a Reseller

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Welcome to our step-by-step guide on how to add a new user in DirectAdmin under the Reseller Level. This functionality is crucial for resellers who need to manage multiple user accounts efficiently. Before you begin, please ensure that you have created user packages, as these are necessary for the creation of new user accounts. If you haven’t set up any user packages yet, please refer to our guide on creating user packages first.


Step-by-step guide


1. Login to DirectAdmin and select Reseller Level at Access Level, and click on Add New User.

NOTE: you will not be able to add in new user if you haven’t create any user packages. Please refer to Here on how to create user package.

2. Fill in the details of the users accordingly, and choose a User Package and IP address, and then click on Submit to confirm the creation. A message will prompt to inform you whether the account was successfully created or not.

3. To view the list of users, return to the reseller homepage and click on List Users.



And that’s all there is to it! Changing your PHP version in DirectAdmin is a straightforward process. Should you have any inquiries of the guidelines, please feel free to open a ticket through your portal account or contact us at +603 – 2026 1688. We’ll be happy to assist you further