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How to configure maximum email size limit – Exim

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IPServerOne Linux server uses Exim as one of the email server options. If you subscribe to a Linux Dedicated Server from IPServerOne, you can configure the maximum size of the email message, allowing you to send or receive an email that has a large attachment. This is done by changing the message_size_limit property in the exim.conf file.

Here are the steps to perform the configurations


1) SSH into the server using root access. Then edit exim.conf file located at “/etc/” directory.

vi /etc/exim.conf 

2) Look for the line contain “message_size_limit” or add the line if it does not exist.


message_size_limit = 20M 

3) Save and exit after changing the value. Then restart exim in order to activate the new setting.

/etc/init.d/exim restart

*The actual per email size limit will not be exactly the same as the setting, it will be slightly smaller than the value that you have set.