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How to Setup Email on iPhone

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Step 1: Click on the Settings icon.


Step 2: Scroll down a bit then you will see “Passwords and Accounts”, tap it.


Step 3: Tap on the “Add Account


Step 4: Scroll down to the bottom and tap on “Other


Step 5: Tap at the “Add Mail Account


Step 6: Fill in the related information as below accordingly and tap “Next”. (P.S. the Email field has to be the full email address)


Step 7: Select IMAP and followed by fill in all information as below, then tap on “Next”.


Step 8: Click “Continue” when you saw this.


Step 9: Then you will see the screen as follow; tap on the “Save” button.


Step 10: Mail account is successfully set up. You will see your domain email appear on your email account list.


Step 11: Return to your Home screen and tap on the “Mail” icon.


Step 12: Now you will see your domain mail account appear in your “Mail” app.